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Coding assistance

Printed From: ProClass
Category: ProClass
Forum Name: ProClass Discussion & Suggestions
Forum Discription: General discussion regarding the ProClass classification
Printed Date: 28/Mar/2025 at 9:43pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.08 -

Topic: Coding assistance
Posted By: argyle
Subject: Coding assistance
Date Posted: 16/Mar/2010 at 3:34pm
Hi everyone,
 I am currently coding the spend, using ProClass, for a London borough, and have a few queries as where to place some of the spend:-
Property consultants, not property management, e.g. the services provided by Btwshiells Commercial Property Consultants ( - )
Disabled adults, i.e. services provided by say RNIB
Financial services, for instance Pensions and other Investment type activity.  Also the services of Credit Checks agencies, like Experion and Business reports like D&B.
Thanks in advance for all/any help.

Posted By: tkashmore
Date Posted: 18/Mar/2010 at 10:30am

Some of the queries are covered by the new version of ProClass vC10.1.

Property Consultants are under Consultancy/Property

Pensions are under Financial Services/Pension Funds

Investments are under Financial Services/Investments

Credit checks etc are under Financial Services/Credit Services/Agencies

Disabled adults do not have a specific heading, which perhaps needs debating. So your views are welcomed, however, some services provided by the RNIB are covered by Education/Audio Visual.

Please let us know if this does not answer your queries

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