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ProClass classification and numbering

Printed From: ProClass
Category: ProClass
Forum Name: ProClass Discussion & Suggestions
Forum Discription: General discussion regarding the ProClass classification
Printed Date: 14/Mar/2025 at 7:23am
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Topic: ProClass classification and numbering
Posted By: pmannion
Subject: ProClass classification and numbering
Date Posted: 02/Mar/2009 at 2:53pm
I work for NIP who run the London Contracts Register which has used the ProClass classifications to categorise the contracts for the last few years.

When the numbering was introduced to ProClass in the last version (8.2) we thought that it was intended as a way of identifying categories independently of the text description. This would be very useful to us as changes to the text has often happened in the past, and re-categorising existing data was quite tricky before the numerical codes. As was allowing the upload of coded contract and expenditure data to the system; it's somewhat implausible that people would enter a three part text description exactly correctly each time, but there's far more chance with a 6 digit number.

However when we came to implement the new ProClass (8.3) we noticed that the numbers had changed. So that in the new version numbers relate to different categories and vice-versa. I can appreciate why this might be done for neatness (so the numbers are in order in the mostly alphabetical spreadsheet), but I just wanted to flag up how difficult this makes it to actually implement ProClass in a system like ours. There's now no way to identify categories from one version to the next, as both the number or the text may have changed. Further any data previously categorised by the numbers is now made redundant, as these may now not point to the correct category.

I spoke to Terry about this issue and requested that from now on the numbers for each category remain the same, and that any new categories receive new numbers. He suggested that I post this request on the forum to see if anyone would have any comments or objections to this.

Posted By: hsmith
Date Posted: 04/Mar/2009 at 4:18pm
I work for Tameside MBC and we have implemented the number coding for Proclass on our financial system.  Similar to yourselves, when the coding was changed this has presented us with a massive task, which I have yet to implement.  I agree that in the future the numbering should remain the same and new ones added when new categories are added.

Posted By: Sarah Sewell
Date Posted: 06/Apr/2009 at 5:24pm
I work at Dorset County Council, we are currently working towards migrating to SAP which will go live in October 2009.  In SAP we will be using the Proclass classifications and Proclass numbering, if the numbering is changed during version updates this will cause us a great deal of work. 
We would therefore agree with the other messages posted requesting that in future please could new categories be added as a new number.

Posted By: Steve Tickle
Date Posted: 28/Jul/2009 at 1:45pm
I would like to see whether/how you've mapped the proclass classifications to BVACOP/GL Codes. I've been struggling with attempting to redefine materials/material groups for Lincolnshire County Council who use SAP - most of the original material classifications are out of date/poorly defined/inaccurately used - we have been looking to map UNSPSC via SAP Material Group to link to a GL Code on a many to one basis but its proving very time consuming. Would appreciate any help/examples you can provide on mapping using Proclass ideally with SAP. 
With Thanks,

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