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Government bodies

Printed From: ProClass
Category: ProClass
Forum Name: ProClass Discussion & Suggestions
Forum Discription: General discussion regarding the ProClass classification
Printed Date: 14/Mar/2025 at 7:32am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.08 -

Topic: Government bodies
Posted By: HPD
Subject: Government bodies
Date Posted: 08/Jun/2011 at 1:35pm
just joined
this morning I had a request to do the proclass coding for the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA)
We had a little discussion here at the Council and could not find any proclass for this, BUT for this particular request it was regarding Training so (for now) this agency is under 170000 Education
Is or should there be a classification level for Government services?
The main question that arises here frequently is how should we class?
1) nature of the company
2) product(s)/service(s) the company provides
3) destination within Council (department)

Posted By: tkashmore
Date Posted: 08/Jun/2011 at 3:17pm

The ProClass headings are for classifying the product or service being purchased. They are not meant for classifying the supplier or the council department it is being purchased for. Therefore if the service is training, the correct ProClass heading is 261500/Human Resources/Training & Conferences

This can be confusing when suppliers are classified by ProClass in a contracts database, but obviously some suppliers supply many types of products and services and need to be given a main classification if the system only allows one heading. However when spend is being classified it is always based on the product or service is being purchased.


Posted By: HPD
Date Posted: 08/Jun/2011 at 4:11pm
Thank you it definitely makes the discussion internally a lot easier.
We are setting up product code linked to proclass; so wehn someone buys a product/service from a supplier they have to include a product code to ensure the correct proclass by line item.

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