New version
Printed From: ProClass
Category: ProClass
Forum Name: ProClass Discussion & Suggestions
Forum Discription: General discussion regarding the ProClass classification
Printed Date: 14/Mar/2025 at 7:29am Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.08 -
Topic: New version
Posted By: Jeff
Subject: New version
Date Posted: 14/Feb/2017 at 2:31am
We are preparing to release a new version of ProClass (vC17.1) in April.
As a ProClass user, your suggestions and comments are extremely valuable during this process and ensure that the headings remain up to date and relevant to all end users.
Any suggestions for additions / amendments would be appreciated - please use this topic.
Posted By: GoffinH
Date Posted: 03/Mar/2017 at 8:08am
140000 Clothing
Level 2 = Protective 141100 & Uniform 141300, but no level 3
I would suggest that in addition to ‘Uniform’ and ‘Protective’ the following are considered
340000 Stationery
Level 2 = 341000 Paper, but no level 3
I would suggest that in addition to ‘Paper' the following are considered
-Writing and correction
-Toners/ink cartridges
-Pads and books
Posted By: ProClass
Date Posted: 22/May/2017 at 5:20pm
Thanks for your suggestions - through the forum, the website and via email. A draft of version C17.1 will be prepared in the next two weeks, and released for download and review on Tuesday 6th June.